
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Amazing Pictures Photoshopped Afer All

We would like to belive that at least some of the amazing pictures we find on the internet haven’t been photoshopped. It would be nice to know the lighting, colors or shapes are there for real, and the world is just naturally beautiful.

How Do Our Eyes Work?

In ancient Greece, some people believed that eyes worked by projecting beams of light. Learn more about the science of sight in this Cheat Sheet video.

Children of Ban Namkoy

Despite what seems for us like inconveniences, children from Ban Namkoy have it all. They are free to run and play, swim in the river and climb trees. They eat what they find and do what they want, don’t worry about school or extracurriculum activities. Their minds aren’t manipulated by ads and TV so they know that nice weather and fresh air is everything they need to be truly happy.