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Long exposure photos of Ferris Wheels (14 pictures)

The original Ferris Wheel was designed and constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. as a landmark for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The term Ferris wheel later came to be used generically for all such structures, and Ferris wheels are now the most common type of carnival ride at state fairs in the US.

Examples Of Ridiculous 20th Century Anti-Marijuana Propaganda (13 pictures)

From fostering crazy orgies, conversations with Satan to sheer insanity, in the early 20th century it seemed there was little that marijuana couldn’t do to ruin your life. This anti-reefer hysteria was, at least in part, the product of belligerent Federal Bureau of Narcotics commissioner Harry J. Anslinger’s “call to arms” campaign against the plant commencing in the 1930s.

Thanks to his strategic use of mass media and emotionally jarring headlines steeped in racism, anti-marijuana propaganda spread from sea to shining sea, uniting an otherwise struggling and divided nation in a fight against the ills of nature.

Where Did Humans Come From?

Have we discoverd our most important human ancestor? The past few days scientists have rised this question and provided some unexpected possible answers. We don’t have anythng close to complete picture of humanity’s origins this recent research has gives us some tantalizing clues about where we came from.
There are some new and confusing discoveries in the field of Human Evolution. Let’s watch it!