
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

How has the absence of fans impacted golf?

The maxim surrounding fans being a significant attribute to golf holds true. Some extreme analysts might even claim that spectators are greater than the game itself. After all, authoritative bodies, management personnel, and the...

New York subway in 1986

These were the days in New York City where gangs and street walkers owned what’s now the largest toursit attraction NYC has to offer, Times Square. Never, ever complain about the NYC subway system again. It can (and was) much worse.

Kamchatka Ice Cave, Russia

Photograph by Marc Szeglat @   In the incredible photo by Marc Szeglat (taken Sept. 12, 2012), we see a surreal-looking ice cave on the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia. It was formed by a stream flowing from the...

Extremely Rare Weather Phenomenon: Northern Lights In British Skies

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, is a brilliant light display in the sky caused by collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun and the Earth’s atmosphere. The phenomenon is usually only visible in Arctic regions, but strong solar winds caused them to be seen further south than usual.

How To Avoid Mosquitos This Summer

Ever wonder why some people just can’t avoid mosquitos and others hardly ever get bit? About 1 in 5 people is considered a target to the pesky insect responsible for more deaths than lions, tigers, bears, sharks and dragons combined.