
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Here’s The Dark Side of Weight Loss

“Metamorphosis” is not magic, and you often have to incur additional costs, which are not told. Keep in mind that winning the fight against obesity changes in the fight against what remains after it.

Young Koreans Before and After Extreme Plastic Surgery (50 pictures)

The modern Korean woman is said to have exchanged maternal and domestic femininity for a slim, well-toned body and beautiful face. And for many Korean women, cosmetic surgery is not only a symbolic practice of coming of age and care for the self but it serves to provide significant gains in education, marriage and career.

5 most amazing pictures of the Earth

 Van Gogh from Space Landsat 7, 7/13/2005 Here we present 5 pictures that got the most votes in NASA contest for the most artistic photo of the Earth taken by satellite. Yukon Delta Landsat 7, 9/22/2002 Meandering...