
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Photos that Will Change The Way You See The Average American

For the 125th anniversary issue of National Geographic magazine, photographer Martin Schoeller captured a series of images that explore the increasingly multiracial face of the U.S. The striking images speak as much to increased racial diversity as the complexities of racial self-identification. Beginning in 2000, the U.S. Census allowed people to choose more than one race. Nearly seven million people selected multiple races that year and in 2010, 32% more people chose to do so. Each of the photographs depicted in this October 2013 issue includes both the self-ID chosen by the person photographed, and the boxes they checked on either the 2000 or 2010 census.

Turn water in your bathtub into an interactive touchscreen

AquaTop display is a projection system that uses white water as a screen surface. This system allows the user’s limbs to freely move through, under and over the projection surface. Using the unique characteristics of fluid, we propose new interactions methods specific to the projection medium, water.

Pretty Pink Lakes Across the Globe

It’s not a Photoshop trick, but a phenomenon; the water is actually pink. In fact there are several pink lakes scattered across the globe, but they are comparatively rare.