
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sin Taxes: Taxing Our Vices

How come all of our precious vices have to be taxed so much? Smoking, drinking, gambling…the government gets a cut of all of our favorite things. Now you can use this info to complain when standing outside in the cold with other smokers or drinking your day away at the bar or spending your Christmas money on video slots. Hmm…I guess it makes sense why these are heavily taxed after all. Damn sensible government.

10 facts that you thought were true

“It’s a global conspiracy, actually, with key players in the highest levels of power, that reaches down into the lives of every man, woman, and child on this planet.” -Fox Mulder

Mesmerizing Video of Mike Tyson’s Greatest Knockouts

Remember when heavyweight bouts were really exciting to watch? I love the Klitschko Brothers, they’re great boxers, but the undercards are way more fun these days. But when Mike Tyson was fighting, those were the most ferocious heavyweight matches the world has ever known. And the way he fought brought out the same intensity in his opponents (though they couldn’t match Iron Mike). Let’s hear it for BroBible for finding this video and let’s pray that one day, heavyweight boxing will again be even halfway this lively.