
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Miass River Sunrise

Image Credit & Copyright: Marat AhmetvaleevExplanation: Each day on planet Earth can have a serene beginning at sunrise as the sky gently grows bright over a golden eastern horizon. This sunrise panorama seems to show such a moment on...

Photos of ‘Phantom’ Shanghai by Greg Girard (23 pictures)

Phantom Shanghai is a portrait of Shanghai as the city transformed itself in the first years of the 21st Century. Preserved by a kind of benign neglect in the decades following Mao’s victory in 1949, Shanghai was directed to “catch up” in the 1990s. Phantom Shanghai is the record of the unique moment when the early 20th Century city was being demolished while the new Shanghai was being built in its rubble.

X-Ray Portraits of Couples by Ayako Kanda and Mayuka Hayashi (4 pictures)

It’s always interesting when artists explore intimacy because of how it affects us all on a primitive and emotional level. Japanese student-artists Ayako Kanda and Mayuka Hayashi have created a prize-winning series of images that explore our relationships with each other in an interesting way – by using x-ray images to strip away the skin, hair and flesh that we usually associate with intimate contact.