
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Beer Vs Wine: The Great Drinking Debate

Autumn is here, meaning changing leaves, cooler days, and, most importantly for beer drinkers, Oktoberfest! But as time goes on, beer imbibing is decreasing as wine drinkers increase in numbers. Who will reign supreme as the go-to alcoholic beverage? As someone who enjoys a geuze as much as a pilsner and a malbec as much as a Thunderbird, I say “Can’t we all just get along?” So pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine or open a bottle (or can) of your favorite beer and look over these facts to come to your own conclusion.

How Big is Google

Many of us use Google services each day but very few of us ask the question, “How BIG is Google?” Obviously this question cannot be answered directly, however, the sheer size of Google can be realised by the hard facts and figures shown in this short film.

25 most dangerous bugs in the world

The millions of species of bugs that exist in the world today play a pivotal role in our ecosystem. Though a majority of them are harmless, some are especially good at either transmitting disease, injecting venom, or just generally being a nuisance. From bullet ants to tse tse flies these are the 25 most dangerous bugs in the world.

Health Life Hacks that Actually Work

These useful remedies will help using simple household items like vegetable oil, honey or salt, these fixes may do your body good, without the need for any medicine. So make sure you ask your waiter for some parsley next time you order the garlic bread on a date.