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Should You Add a Side Job?

Why Take On A Second Job? Full-time employees with a side job are doing so because they have a specific goal. One goal is that they may have debts that they are trying to...

Massive Open Online Courses: College Knowledge For Free

Have you heard that you can actually attend college classes without paying tuition or leaving your house? Thanks to MOOCs you can pick and choose from courses and levels, broaden your knowledge and spend your free time on something that doesn’t involve funny cats videos.

Beauty of Mathematics

“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music.” —Betrand Russell

There is a world of mathematics out there that most people live and die without ever getting to see. This video is to introduce its readers to the “other world” of math. This “other world” gets you to really fall in love with the subject.