
Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Interesting facts about eyes (25 pictures)

The eye is a fascinating, powerful part of the human body that is surrounded with legend and awe. It is said that they are the windows to our souls, and in ancient culture, they were symbols of spirituality and wisdom.

Because of technological advances in the field of optometry and ophthalmology, we know more about the eyes now than ever!

How Einstein’s Brain Is Different Than Yours

By any and all measures, Einstein was a genius. But what made him so different from any other person? Turns out his brain was wired in a very different way! Anthony takes a look inside to show you the ways in which Einstein’s brain was both different and similar to yours.

Try to guess the titles of films from nine frames (13 pictures)

In March, one of the blogs launch a project called “9 Film Frames”. Users have to present a video using 9 frames, which, in their opinion, presented the most important moments of an movie. Our proposition for you is to refresh your memory and try to guess the titles of films from nine frames.