Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

25 Reasons Why Coal Energy Needs To Be Replaced

In the United States alone, 40% of their energy comes from coal. Of course, coal’s main attractiveness is its affordability, but it could be argued that the consequences of using coal far outweigh its low price.

Check out these 25 reasons why coal energy needs to be replaced and you decide whether coal’s use is warranted or outdated. And yes, we definitely want to hear from you on this one, so leave your comments right below this post.

25 Strangest Things Found In Outer Space

The universe is a big place that we don’t very much about it. At least relatively speaking. What we do know, however, is that it can get pretty weird. Don’t take our word for it though, here are the 25 strangest things found in outer space.

What is Déjà Vu?

Dr. Michio Kaku explains one theory behind déjà vu and asks, “Is it ever possible on any scale to perhaps flip between different universes?”