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10 strangest of places where people live

Human is an amazing creature. It can survive in the harshest conditions. But some people manage to not only survive, but to live for years in a very unusual places. Hanging monasteries, caves, bridges, houses made of stone …

See ten most unusual places in which people live or lived.

Beauty of Mathematics

“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music.” —Betrand Russell

There is a world of mathematics out there that most people live and die without ever getting to see. This video is to introduce its readers to the “other world” of math. This “other world” gets you to really fall in love with the subject.

World War 2 Death Count

World War II was a global conflict that resulted in more deaths than any other war. The following figures are the number of deaths that occurred in World War Two.

Do we really need bras?

You’d think bras would give boobs a boost, but after years of close and careful research, a French scientist says bras actually do more harm than good! In this video, we look at whether his argument holds any weight or if it’s just full of hot air.