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The cost of being a Superhero: Then and Now (5 pictures)

It’s not cheap being a superhero these days, what with the burden of keeping a secret identity, dry cleaining the costume and in some cases, living a certain lifestyle to secure their secrecy. Mashable and Samsung teamed up to show the cost of living to be a superhero these days and the cost back in the day at the release of their first comic.

Bring back the woolly mammoth!

It’s the dream of kids all around the world to see giant beasts walk the Earth again. Could — and should — that dream be realized? Hendrik Poinar gives an informative talk on the next — really — big thing: The quest to engineer a creature that looks very much like our furry friend, the woolly mammoth. The first step, to sequence the woolly genome, is nearly complete. And it’s huge.

How Good Foods Can Improve Your Health

Many people acknowledge the need to consume more vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and fewer processed foods. A good percentage, however, erroneously think that eating healthy is an exemption for people who need to lose...