Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Ancient wonders captured in 3D

Ancient monuments give us clues to astonishing past civilizations — but they’re under threat from pollution, war, neglect. Ben Kacyra, who invented a groundbreaking 3D scanning system, is using his invention to scan and preserve the world’s heritage in archival detail.

Crazy skydiving tricks and huge jumps!

What goes up must come down. Isaac Newton first identified the force we call gravity, and now Joe Geniuses are climbing to new heights to discover its influence. Watch as skydivers, bungee jumpers, and jet-pack-toting adventurers get a (sometimes painful) lesson on the uncompromising science of free fall.

Why haven’t we been to Mars yet?

How come humans have gone to the Moon, but not to Mars? Jorge Vago (ESA) explains the factors that are currently preventing us from safely sending astronauts to the Red Planet, including funding and the dangers of such an expedition.