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How is that not killing you?

When Hank watches nature documentaries he always comes away with one big question: how is that not killing you? In today’s episode of SciShow he looks at three unusual ways that animals manage not to get killed by nature.

25 most dangerous bugs in the world

The millions of species of bugs that exist in the world today play a pivotal role in our ecosystem. Though a majority of them are harmless, some are especially good at either transmitting disease, injecting venom, or just generally being a nuisance. From bullet ants to tse tse flies these are the 25 most dangerous bugs in the world.

Chernobyl: Humans more dangerous than radioactivity?

A nuclear accident devastated the region near Chernobyl, Ukraine, on April 26, 1986 leaving behind a 2,600 km² exclusion zone where some 350,000 people were evacuated. This vast area, where time has stood still ever since, is springing back to life with wildlife. The evacuation of the human population has created a unique wildlife refuge which has seen an increase in biodiversity.