Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Animal hell called Surabaya Zoo (contains drastic images) (10 pictures)

Surabaya Zoo is a botanical zoo located in the city of Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia. And it’s probably the worst zoo on the planet. The animals don’t have enough food and any medical care. People from all over the world have signed a petition to close Surabaya Zoo because of the documented animal abuse. You can help by signing it!

That’s How You Do Ambient Ads!

Good advertising reaches out to people and doesn’t leave them annoyed. Luckily there is something like ambient: ads crossed with street and sometimes even performance art.

Hyperloop Designed To Connect Abu Dhabi And Dubai

BIG teaser video reveals Hyperloop One design, connecting Abu Dhabi and Dubai. In this video from BIG, Jakob Lange explains how its plans for a Hyperloop high-speed transportation system will efect how people live. “This is...