Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Stunning Aerial Footage of San Francisco

From the Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz to the Bay Lights at night, see the Bay Area’s most iconic locations like you’ve never seen them before. Shot in 4K/”Ultra-HD,” Teton Gravity Research presents the first footage from their new RED Epic-equipped gyrostabilized camera platform: The GSS C520. The GSS C520 is a portable 5-axis system that houses a range of leading digital cinema cameras, like the Epic and Sony F55, while also capable of integrating future advancements in camera technology.

America in World War I

John Green teaches you about American involvement in World War I, which at the time was called the Great War. You’ll learn the war’s effects on the home front, some of Woodrow Wilson’s XIV Points, and just how the war ended up expanding the power of the government in Americans’ lives.

Cool Water Jetpacks by Zapata Sports

These Flyboards look like insane amounts of fun – for the time challenged skip to about 2:20 into the video. The price tag is pretty steep though, the cost of owning one is about $6,000 (not so bad when you consider the fact it’s the cost of a decent motorcycle).