Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Earth From Mars vs Mars From Earth

In this fascinating comparison photo we see a view of Earth from Mars (as seen by NASA’s Curiosity rover) and Mars from Earth as captured by Bill Dunford. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury. It is approximately 225,300,000 km away from Earth. It is also one of the five ‘visible’ planets from Earth.

World famous cities on the water (10 pictures)

When pronouncing the phrase “city on the water” comes to mind Venice. Architecture, rich history and romance of the place turned this water attraction in Italy, a real treasure for tourists. However, in the world there are many cities, standing on the water.

Let’s see the ten most popular ones.

Funny Animal Ski Masks

With the winter months fast approaching, the balaclava is a key piece of kit to keep your face warm. Teya Salat’s stylish animal-themed balaclavas have stolen our hearts and opened our wallets!