Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

The Soviet Lunokhod Rovers

Although the United States roved the Moon first on manned missions, the Soviet Union was the first nation to robotically rove around the lunar surface with the twin Lunokhod rovers in the early 1970s.

Bora Bora from Space

This dramatic aerial photograph of Bora Bora was taken by France and Italy’s recently launched Pleidades-HR Satellite in January of 2012. The satellite orbits the Earth at an altitude of 694 km (431 miles)....

The Adrenal Glands – Iron Egghead

  The winning entry in Scientific American’s 2012 Iron Egghead video contest explains how the adrenal glands work using only common objects found around the home. Warning: This video may cause uncontrollable laughter.