Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

10 Nations With Most Slaves

It is almost impossible to imagine, but nearly 30 million people around the world are slaves. Slavery is today and has always been—one person controlling another and then forcing them to work.

Why does cooked food taste good?

A chemical reaction discovered by French chemist Louis Camille Maillard (1878-1936) is responsible for the delicious flavors present in everything from baked bread to steak. Scientific American’s Michael Moyer gives us a bite-size explanation.

Xhibitionist luxury Super-yacht

From official press release: Press release: (scroll down for pictures) Redefining Traditions You can be forgiven for thinking, at first glance, that you’re seeing a leaked still from a yet-to-be released, Fifth Element style...

National Geographic On Instagram

National Geographic has it’s own official profile there and it’s just amazing. Here are just some of their best pictures, but we strongly encourage you to check out the rest and follow them. Beautiful!

The Harvest Moon

The full Moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox is coming this week. Don’t miss the Harvest Moon.