Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

U.S. Government Shutdown: Day 1 (25 pictures)

Our ever responsible and totally mature congressmen reached an impasse last night, causing 800,000 government workers to be furloughed. We’re not even done with the first day of this shutdown, and already the effects are quite obvious. Thanks to social media, pictures of closed national parks, monuments, and even government websites are causing the American public’s ire to grow faster than a congressman’s bank account (naturally, they’re still getting paid).

Cool Shapeshifting Metal

Researchers at NC State have developed a new method to control the interfacial energy of a liquid metal via electrochemical deposition (or removal) of an oxide layer on its surface using ~1 volt.

Change the way you see the World

You won’t see the universe the same way after watching this. Including totally new perspectives on the earth’s surface, the sun, the stars, and life.

Stunning optical illusion paintings by Oleg Shuplyak

Shuplyak Oleg was born in 1967 near Ternopil, Ukraine, studied architecture at the University of Lviv. He is an accomplished Ukrainian painter who creates stunning optical illusions. The images contain two completely different perspectives, made by his clever composition.