Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Apparently, Owls Can Swim

After being chased down by two falcons in Lake Michigan, an owl goes for a leisurely breast stroke in the water. A photographer in Chicago has managed to capture some remarkable footage of a great horned owl swimming. Yes, swimming.

Why eyewitnesses get it wrong

Scott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes — and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a crime can create “memories” they could not have seen. Why? Because the brain abhors a vacuum. Editor’s note: In the original version of this talk, Scott Fraser misspoke about available footage of Two World Trade Center (Tower 2). The misstatement has been edited out for clarity.

Ninja Cats: Try To SPot Them All

Looking at these pictures I’m sure cats are basically furry ninjas. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Shaolin monks training Curious cats stuck in things Proofs that cats are liquids This is how cats see the world compared...

Extreme surfing at Teahupoo

Aug 27th 2011 at Teahupoo during the Billabong Pro waiting period is what many are calling the biggest and gnarliest Teahupoo ever ridden. Chris Bryan was fortunate enough to be there working for Billabong on a day that will go down in the history of big wave surfing. The French Navy labeled this day a double code red prohibiting and threatening to arrest anyone that entered the water.

The moral dangers of non-lethal weapons

Pepper spray and tasers are in increasing use by both police and military, and more exotic non-lethal weapons such as heat rays are in the works. In this talk, ethicist Stephen Coleman explores the unexpected consequences of their introduction and asks some challenging questions.

Beautiful Red Fall

If you ever wondered why leaves change color in autumn, you’re not alone. Learn why leaves change color, and how they get that vibrant red hue.