Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

How Movies Get Their Background Sounds

Have you ever thought about all the sounds that go into a movie? The sound of feet crunching gravel as the main character walks up a driveway, or a car door opening and closing,...

Shared Table for Cats and Humans

Is that a cat inside a table? As cute and cuddly as cats are, they can be disruptive when they want to hang out and you need to work. With the help of Chinese...


The ultimate full moon shot. Dean Potter walks a highline at Cathedral Peak as the sun sets and the moon rises. Shot from over 1 mile away with a Canon 800mm and 2X by Mikey Schaefer.

Angry notes written by a victim of theft (21 pictures)

Victims of theft certainly experience a number of strong emotions. From the surprise and disbelief, through a slight annoyance, to a huge rage. Here’s how people deal with this problem landing the aggression in funny and creative ways. See the collection of notes written by the victim of theft.