Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Last words

Last words are powerful. They are the final statement in person’s entire life has been leading up to one last chance to go on record before obliteration.

Extreme surfing at Teahupoo

Aug 27th 2011 at Teahupoo during the Billabong Pro waiting period is what many are calling the biggest and gnarliest Teahupoo ever ridden. Chris Bryan was fortunate enough to be there working for Billabong on a day that will go down in the history of big wave surfing. The French Navy labeled this day a double code red prohibiting and threatening to arrest anyone that entered the water.

6 Most Common Superstitions Among Gamblers

Image Source: Pixabay Gamblers are a fairly superstitious group on the whole, using various techniques to influence their luck and give them a better chance of winning, even if there is no logical reason...

Take a picture of Saturn

Take a picture of Saturn in the sky tonight. You could capture a view like this one. Recorded just last month looking toward the south, planet Earth and ruins of the ancient temple of Athena at Assos, Turkey are in the foreground. The Moon rises at the far left of the frame and Saturn is the bright “star” at the upper right, near Virgo’s alpha star Spica (picture with labels). If you do take a picture of Saturn or wave at Saturn and take a picture, you can share it online and submit it to the Saturn Mosaic Project. Why take a picture tonight? Because the Cassini spacecraft will be orbiting Saturn and taking a picture of you.