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Private prisons: How US corporations make money out of locking you up

Today the US is home to 5% of the world’s population but a quarter of the world’s prisoners. It also has the highest rate of youth imprisonment and on any given day there are more than 70,000 youths in detention. And the biggest winners of this mass incarceration? The for-profit prison companies whose business models essentially depend on locking more and more people up.

10 Most Important Numbers In The World

They can be used to explain everything from melting ice cubes to the age of the universe. Presenting the 10 most important numbers in the world. Music = Miami Clubhouse by Jason Pedder and...

The History of Rainbow Riches

The History of Rainbow Riches

Rainbow Riches is arguably the most popular and recognizable slot machine game throughout the United Kingdom, and fans will be more than familiar with the exciting cash prizes and bonuses it offers. The game...