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Photos of Nuclear Bombs Tests (20 pictures)

Since the time of Trinity – the first nuclear explosion in 1945 – nearly 2,000 nuclear tests have been performed. Most of these occurred during the 1960s and 1970s. When the technology was new, tests were frequent and often spectacular, and they led to the development of newer, more deadly weapons.

Lets see images from the first 30 years of nuclear testing.

What is ObamaCare?

We present the facts on ObamaCare, the health care plan for America. Our goal is to help you understand the Affordable Care Act. Decide for yourself what you think about the new health care law, based on the facts and not the talking points.

Hilarious High-Speed Photographs of Dogs Shaking by Carli Davidson (11 pictures)

Shake is a new book of photos from Portland-based photographer Carli Davidson who used a high speed camera to capture hilarious freeze-frame shots of various dogs mid-shake. The amusing portraits seem to transform ordinary pets into strangely distorted animals right out of a cartoon.

Shake was partially inspired by her own dog Norbert whose drool she regularly scrubs from the walls of her home due to his frequent shaking.