Tagged: internet

Snowden’s suspected encrypted email service forced to close

The encrypted email service believed to have been used by Edward Snowden has suspended operations. In a statement on the company’s website Lavabit’s owner suggested he had received a search order from the US government and then been gagged from talking about it. Since then a second US-based encrypted email service has closed its doors.

Funny Photoshop trolls (20 pictures)

Funny examples of Photoshop trolling. f you haven’t yet had the chance to look through some examples of the recent Photoshop trolling trend, then you are definitely missing out.

YouTube Sensationalism

Andy Warhol said “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” YouTube has, by and large, facilitated the realization of this prophecy.

Facebook’s increase in popularity worldwide over the years

As of last month, Mark Zuckerberg’s Empire can proudly call itself the prevailing social network in 127 out of 137 polled countries. What’s more, this a huge leap from where Facebook ranked just three years ago. As you can see below, it could barely hold onto a full continent and was almost non-existent in Asian countries. Now, the situation has change diametrically.