Tagged: internet

Is Wikipedia a Credible Source?

It’s the go-to website for information on just about anything. But is the info on Wikipedia worth it’s weight in megabytes? Trace has the answer and tells us about a new plan to up the accuracy of some of its most popular pages.

An Enlightening History of the Hashtag

Ever wondered where the hashtag came from? It’s popularity has now spread across almost every social platform and is now a way to find, categorize and search for keywords. This infographic tracks the hashtag from the very beginning to becoming the corner stone of social tagging.

10 Facts About GTA

We all love Grand Theft Auto and were astounded by what we found out making this video – let’s see how much you know!

Learn more than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting familiar with keyboard shortcuts not only help you get the work done faster, but also more efficient. If your daily job rely heavily on using Windows, here are some 100+ Windows Keyboard Shortcuts you might want to check out.