Tagged: architecture

The original Penn Station before it was demolished (17 pictures)

In 1963 the original Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan was demolished to make way for Madison Square Garden and a new (uglier) Penn Station. The original station, built in 1910, was beautiful and now, thanks to images released by historian Michael Beschloss, we get to see what it looked like.

Inside Google’s incredible Dublin Campus (46 pictures)

Located in the heart of the historic dockyards district (a.k.a. Silicon Dock), Google has helped put Dublin on the map as a technology hub in Europe. Office is made up of thousands of Googlers from over 65 countries, overseeing sales and infrastructure for our businesses in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

New York City’s mysterious abandoned North Brother Island (20 pictures)

Located in between Queens and the Bronx, 20 acre North Brother Island was in use by New York City from 1885 to 1963 as a hospital complex to quarantine and treat people suffering from smallpox and typhoid fever then a rehab center and a housing project for WWII vets. By 1963 things were falling apart on the island and it was abandoned. 50 years later Mother Nature is slowly reclaiming her territory as you’ll see in the following photos.