Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

Welcome To Chinese Deserted Town

All across China are fully constructed but abandoned cities (no just small cities or towns, but gigantic cities full of modern buildings that are completely empty for the most part!). One of the more famous “modern ghost towns” is the city of Kangbashi in northern China, near the Mongolian border.

Lamborghini “Aventador”

Lamborghini’s new super sports car Aventador with its 700 HP bull power – powerful and classy just like his namesake, Spanish bull legend Aventador – relentlessly fighting the forces of nature in a 3-minute special effect thunderstorm, shot in the Californian desert Coyote Dry Lakebed and directed by Ole Peters.

Amazing Pictures Photoshopped Afer All

We would like to belive that at least some of the amazing pictures we find on the internet haven’t been photoshopped. It would be nice to know the lighting, colors or shapes are there for real, and the world is just naturally beautiful.