Memolition - Explore. Dream. Discover.

25 Places You Wish You Could Go Visit But Can’t

While most people are happy just taking the occasional trip to the beach, there are those of us that long for something more…an adventure. And although most places on Earth are accessible to the determined traveler, some places are just better off left alone. From top secret government facilities to villages destroyed by radiation, these are 25 places you wish you could go visit but can’t.

People Who Have the Worst Jobs Ever (42 pictures)

There are days when we all feel like we have the worst job in the world. But when you actually compare one to another, there’s a definite measureable difference between jobs that are considered pretty good and those that aren’t. These people have jobs that are certainly not nice, what is more, they can be called one of the worst. What do you say to such a day at work?

Watch this gallery to appreciate your own job.