Tagged: technology

Modern Eco-Friendly Homes Set Amongst the Trees (11 pictures)

Primeval Symbiosis (Single Pole House) is an architectural design project by architecture student and interior designer Konrad Wójcik that seeks to organically install living spaces in forests without disrupting the innate beauty of nature.

The end-goal for this idea is to create a community of these homes in natural landscapes, avoiding massive deforestation, and ultimately leaving a carbon footprint that is as close to zero as possible.

Is The Internet Destroying Your Brain?

Turns out, multi-tasking online doesn’t positively exercise our brains or mental state. Heavy Internet users are 2.5 times more likely to be depressed. And web addiction reduces the white matter in our brains, basically the transmitters responsible for our memory and sensory abilities.


Cool Water Jetpacks by Zapata Sports

These Flyboards look like insane amounts of fun – for the time challenged skip to about 2:20 into the video. The price tag is pretty steep though, the cost of owning one is about $6,000 (not so bad when you consider the fact it’s the cost of a decent motorcycle).

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Ingenious Inventions

In life, we sometimes come across people who excel at most everything, and Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most incredible examples. Talented artist, ingenious inventor and revolutionary scientist are just some of the titles the great Da Vinci held during his 67-year long life. And while Da Vinci lived a handful of centuries before we were even thought of, it is many of his forward-thinking prototypes that have provided the foundation for the most innovative inventions in recent memory.