Tagged: psychology

Why Do We Laugh?

You know what’s funny? Why people laugh. Hank talks about the science of laughter: what makes us laugh, what purpose it serves, and even what it can tell us about our mental and physical health. Hilarious!

How To Tell The Perfect Lie

We all know lying is bad.. but sometimes, certain situations give you no other option. Anthony has some tips on how to make that lie more convincing than any other.

The Science Of Gossip and Rumors

Gossip is something that’s been around for ages- it’s even talked about in the Bible! Trace explains how gossip and rumor have plain an important role on human evolution and its impact on society.

What is love?

Is love a signal winding through your neural pathways? A cliche? A cult? Love is easy to compare but difficult to define, maybe because we’re fundamentally biased; we try to define love while falling in or out of it. And love feels differently to every person who feels it, but this subjective emotion has evolutionary explanations, too. Brad Troeger takes a shot at the definition of love.

What If You Stopped Going Outside?

Most of us spend more time inside these days than we ought to, whether we are busy with work or activities at home, and that can have a significant impact on our health. Take a look at the health ramifications of spending too much time inside.