Tagged: psychology

The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it)

Heart racing, palms sweating, labored breathing? No, you’re not having a heart attack — it’s stage fright! If speaking in public makes you feel like you’re fighting for your life, you’re not alone. But the better you understand your body’s reaction, the more likely you are to overcome it. Mikael Cho advises how to trick your brain and steal the show.

Famous Personality Types

Personality and self assessment tests are always a good exercise to run through when needing a personal boost. Though not the end all be all of you and what you are good at, only you can really know that. These tests are always helpful when one is unsure of a direction to go in or how to best pursue their goals.

What is great about this infographic is that you can study these real life successful people. You can recall a specific scene the actor was in, or a famous speech that was given in history to derive a little energy out of your results. As the saying goes, if they can do it, so can you.

How Einstein’s Brain Is Different Than Yours

By any and all measures, Einstein was a genius. But what made him so different from any other person? Turns out his brain was wired in a very different way! Anthony takes a look inside to show you the ways in which Einstein’s brain was both different and similar to yours.

Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents’

In 1900, only 3% of Americans practiced professions that were deemed “cognitively demanding.” Today, 35% of us do, and we have all learned to be flexible in the way that we think about problems. In this fascinating and fast-paced spin through the cognitive history of the 20th century, moral philosopher James Flynn makes the case that changes in the way we think have had surprising (and not always positive) consequences.