Tagged: infographic

How to solve Rubik’s Cube (in 20 moves or less)

Today’s infographic is especially interesting because not only does it tell you how to solve it, but it also gives some really interesting information about the history of the Rubik’s cube, and the cult following that it has. Check it out to solve your Rubik’s cube and show off to your friends.

Sin Taxes: Taxing Our Vices

How come all of our precious vices have to be taxed so much? Smoking, drinking, gambling…the government gets a cut of all of our favorite things. Now you can use this info to complain when standing outside in the cold with other smokers or drinking your day away at the bar or spending your Christmas money on video slots. Hmm…I guess it makes sense why these are heavily taxed after all. Damn sensible government.

Health Life Hacks that Actually Work

These useful remedies will help using simple household items like vegetable oil, honey or salt, these fixes may do your body good, without the need for any medicine. So make sure you ask your waiter for some parsley next time you order the garlic bread on a date.

Comparing The Fastest Things On Earth to the Speed Of Light

You may think that a lot of things are fast, like speeding bullets and Superman and the passage of time when you are having fun. But all of these things are nothing compared to the speed of light, which is the fastest that something can travel through the Universe.

How fast is this in normal terms?