Tagged: culture

Why Engagement Rings Are A Scam

‘Diamonds are girl’s best friend’. ‘Diamonds are forever’! This hilarious but down-to-earth film will explain you why those little shiny rocks symbolize not only our love to each other but also eternity in general.

Ads can be very creative

In this post we’ve selected some of the most hilarious and creative ads. Most of them were even awarded by top Advertising companies so we are pretty sure that you will enjoy every one of them.

Kesh Angels: The Female Biker Culture Of Marrakesh

Moroccan-born, UK-based artist Hassan Hajjaj likes to take preconceived notions about Muslim culture and turn them on their hands. Such is the case with his first exhibition in New York, “‘Kesh Angels.” Hajjaj presents Muslim women in the Moroccan city dressed in traditional garb but riding around on motorcycles, giving us a glimpse of a culture we knew nothing about.

Angkor – Our Trip To The Lost City

Angkor is an ancient region of Cambodia rich in beautiful temples and probably one of the world’s best sights.

Since we have a member of our team onsite, we snatched the opportunity and prepared a special coverage on his expedition. We present you a magnificent Angkor Wat, the temple said to be the world’s largest single religious monument, and surroundings of Siem Reap city.