Tagged: culture

Timing And Frequency of Various Tasks In The World

Have you ever wondered what are the chances that someone somewhere in the world is doing exactly the same thing as you right now? This terrific comic shows you (roughly) what is most likely to happen in a span of a one minute. Of course, we bet you will stare at it for longer than that!

1940s America: Reconstructed Photos In Color

This collection of reconstructed photos of ordinary Americans living in the 40’s sheds a different light on this particular decade. Mostly rural and influenced by war, America wasn’t exactly a land of opportunities up untill the 1945, when it became a world superpower.

Poland’s Creepy Skull Chapel

From the outside of the Skull Chapel in the Polish village of Czerma, you would just think it to be a run of the mill place of worship for the townspeople. But then you enter and see the skulls of 3,000 people on the walls of the small church. And it’s not all…

The War On Women’s Bodies

These statistics are not only heartbreaking but alarming. The big question that comes to mind is – are the fashion industry and media to blame?