Tagged: animals

Unusual Animal Friendships

Here’s an adorable look at the most unlikely of friends — from inseparable interspecies pals to surprising bonds between predator and prey.

Cute Arctic Foxes

Russia’s remote north-eastern Chukotka region is an inhospitable arctic tundra, but even in this brutal landscape, Russian photographer Ivan Kislov can find beautiful signs of life among the foxes that live and hunt here in the wild.

Why Elephants Never Forget

It’s a common saying that elephants never forget. But the more we learn about elephants, the more it appears that their impressive memory is only one aspect of an incredible intelligence that makes them some of the most social, creative, and benevolent creatures on Earth.

Cute Blind Owl With Stunning Eyes Full Of Stars

One day, someone in Southern California found an injured owl on their porch. It turned out to be a blind Western Screech Owl with eyes that look like a starry night. After a visit to the vet, the owl found a new permanent home at the Wildlife Learning Center in Sylmar, California. He was named “Zeus” after the Greek god of sky and thunder because of his stunning eyes.

Big Dogs Caring For Little Kids

Dogs can be excellent companions for children when in the hands of a capable owner who knows how to read them. Anyone who has grown up with a dog knows that the love and compassion that they gave to and received from their canine soulmates is like nothing else in the world.