Tagged: animals

Hilarious High-Speed Photographs of Dogs Shaking by Carli Davidson (11 pictures)

Shake is a new book of photos from Portland-based photographer Carli Davidson who used a high speed camera to capture hilarious freeze-frame shots of various dogs mid-shake. The amusing portraits seem to transform ordinary pets into strangely distorted animals right out of a cartoon.

Shake was partially inspired by her own dog Norbert whose drool she regularly scrubs from the walls of her home due to his frequent shaking.

10 Facts About Great White Sharks

Remarkably little is known about great white sharks, but they are similar to humans in a lot of ways – they give birth to live young, maintain a higher body temperature than their surroundings and they are apex predators.

There are also many misconceptions about these sharks: people think they don’t get cancer and that they reside mainly in shallow waters near beaches.

This video summarizes some of the most interesting things that could be learned about sharks.

Could a Fossilized Mosquito Resurrect Dinosaurs?

They’ve finally found a fossilized mosquito full of prehistoric blood! So a real Jurassic Park is right around the corner, right? Trace explains what exactly this discovery means, and if this means you’ll be visiting Isla Nublar any time soon.