How the High-Tech Industry May Solve the Coronavirus Crisis

The Coronavirus crisis has hit the world like a bomb, impacting billions of people and their way of life. Millions have experienced a disruption in their lives due to the effects of the virus. Many have lost their jobs, taken a reduction in pay, had a friend or family member die or get severely ill, or have fallen sick themselves. With a global crisis such as this one, it’s vital for the most powerful leaders and corporations to come together and help solve this catastrophe. Here are some ways the high-tech industry is working to combat Coronavirus around the world.

Predictive Data

Ever since the virus started to become an issue in China, several of the world’s top research organizations began working on trying to predict the severity of the disease in various parts of the world. There are many different scientific models that give public officials potential projections about what the virus will do next. As researchers learn more about the virus, the models can be adjusted, giving leaders more accurate data and tools to make decisions about reopening businesses and public places.

Drug Discovery

Besides trying to predict the virus, researchers in the high-tech field are also aiming to discover the most effective treatments for the disease. The medical community must use a lengthy process of drug discovery, that includes potentially years of experimental trials and other research. Supercomputers, however, can help pinpoint the most promising drug treatments and reduce the lag time between drug potential and actual results. Research laboratories around the world are working tirelessly to find connections between current FDA-approved drugs and the characteristics of Coronavirus and its symptoms.

Disease Spread Information

Next, high-tech is poised to help track and identify different areas of the geographical spread of the disease. Tracking new Coronavirus cases is essential to learning where new outbreaks may be happening. Luckily, the tech industry is ready to answer the call with new tracking apps designed to pinpoint where the cases are heading. Some governments are also considering making tracking apps standard on smartphones to help easily find areas of heavy virus activity and allow them to stop outbreaks and hand out resources more effectively.

Remote Workplaces

When governors and other leaders invoked stay at home orders in March and April, the nation’s workforce of office workers suddenly had to do their job from home. The tech industry responded by offering better products to improve worker productivity, such as video conferencing, remote digital security solutions, and improved collaboration software. Now, as some parts of the world are opening back up, many companies are choosing to continue remote work to help with costs and keep their employees safe in case of a second wave.

Virtual Education

Educating the country’s millions of students in a virtual learning environment was a necessity during the peak of the virus. For the fall semester, many local education districts are planning for even more virtual learning. High-tech companies are partnering with educators to give them the power to deliver more engaging lessons and rigorous content, virtually.  

Delivery Services

When the virus kept most people around the world at home, the high-tech industry and food delivery services had to step up. Grocery and restaurant delivery services experienced a huge skyrocket in demand. Companies like Green Zebra Grocery and Goldbelly were ready to meet the demand and keep people out of public shopping spaces. High-tech investment firms like Mark Stevens headed S-Cubed Capital continue to seek new business models that combine technology with basic needs, like grocery delivery.

Vaccination Development

Computers and tech tools are also involved in one of the most important potential solutions to the virus, a vaccine. It’s possible to use computer algorithms to help zero in on promising vaccine formulas. Supercomputers can analyze the virus’ characteristics and use data to come up with ways to deliver antibodies to people. The computers can also catalog information about Coronavirus survivors and how their antibodies may be protecting them. Additionally, when a viable vaccine is discovered, computers can help track the data during animal and human trials and determine how effective it is.

Virtual Aid to the Needy

The final way the high-tech industry can help solve the various issues related to the Coronavirus is with virtual aid. More people than ever are in a vulnerable situation. This may mean a higher percentage of people unable to pay their rent or mortgage due to a loss of income. It could also mean some families and children may be about to go hungry due to job loss from the virus. The tech industry can help identify the neediest communities and families and give leaders data about unemployment and food uncertainty.

The Coronavirus crisis is one of the biggest challenges to date in modern history. Together, with the leading high-tech innovators and thousands of researchers in the medical community, the world can create potential solutions to the issues that arise from this deadly disease.