What’s The Best Comforter To Sleep On?

In order to find the best comforter to sleep on, you’ll need to research different brands. This guide can help as it lists common comforter features that are worth considering. 


The size of a comforter should match a bed’s width as this strategy is the only way to ensure a snug fit. However, upgrading to a slightly larger size is highly recommended because a bigger comforter provides advantages. For example, you’ll appreciate an oversize comforter’s added width and length in the winter. Thanks to its size, you could easily wrap a larger comforter around yourself to stay warm; this isn’t possible when a comforter is the same size as a bed


When picking a comforter for a certain season, you must consider its weight. There are many weight classes for comforters. You can keep a med-level comforter on your bed every season. If you need a cozy comforter for early fall, a lightweight product is a smart choice. During the winter, a heavyweight comforter works well, and a thin comforter is the best option for cool spring and summer nights. 


The filling inside of a comforter varies. However, lightweight comforters always contain a very soft filling, such as duck down, which is a cluster of feathers. There are also comforters that have juxtaposing; this is a low-cost filling that provides warmth. 

If you have allergies, invest in a hypoallergenic comforter. This comforter has a special fabric that shields all of the filling in order to lower your chances of sneezing.

Thread Count

Every comforter has a thread count; it basically refers to the number of threads that make up a comforter’s fabric. If a comforter has a high thread count, its fabric will feel firmer and finer. 

In some cases, a high thread count may not be the best option as many layers of thread can make a comforter feel overly stiff or dense. However, the quality of a comforter that has a high tread count is always influenced by the way everything was woven and the fiber’s consistency. If you just want a quality comforter for your bed, pick a product that has a 800 to 200 thread count. Any comforter that has a thread count that’s higher than 200 is a high quality product, and a luxury comforter has a thread count that’s between 400 and 600. 

Down Origin

Many comforter manufacturers using fillings that contain specific types of duck down or goose down. All options are soft and cozy; however, there are some key differences that are only noticeable at a microscope level. When scientists look through microscopes, they’re able to determine the species, and this is why goose down is more expensive than duck down.

As a consumer, the only thing that you’ll need to consider is the fill power. A comforter that has a fill power that’s over 600 is great to sleep on. Duck down clusters have a low fill power, so if you’re not on a budget, you’ll benefit from buying a comforter that’s made with goose down.