Big tobacco companies are acquiring e-cigarette companies. Did you know?

Since the electronic cigarettes came into existence, there has always been a debate about whether or not they are better than tobacco cigarettes and whether they cause more harm than the combustible cigarettes. The ACS or the American Cancer Society in 2018, during a policy shift, offered an endorsement to electronic cigarettes as the best tool for smoking cessation. This is certainly not a desirable step as there is still so much that we don’t know regarding these devices. They are also highly unregulated and endorsed by the big tobacco companies. In fact, studies reveal that the largest UK e-cigarette companies are all owned by big-shot tobacco companies.

At the same time, there are several millions of Brits and Americans who are getting hooked to the nicotine flavor that is found in electronic cigarettes, including thousands of teenagers who were never smokers. More and more teenagers are more likely to vape due to the amazing flavors of e-liquids that are available in the market. In short, they’re probably becoming the guinea pigs in an unguided research on vaping.

The ACS spoke of several benefits of electronic cigarettes and supported these devices as they heated a liquid and transformed it into vapor which is inhaled. As compared against smoking, there is no smoke associated with e-cigs. While vaping is considered as much less harmful as smoking, no one knows about its long-term safety. Are the other quit smoking methods like nicotine patches and gums which are FDA-approved much safer? Due to the fact that vaping nicotine boosts the likelihood of smoking tobacco, it is recommended that any effort that is made to prevent the youth for initiation of e-cigarettes should be discouraged. The ACS also encouraged FDA to regulate electronic cigarettes and this encourages a wishful thinking.

There is one problem in determining the value of electronic cigarettes is that they can vary in terms of design and concentration of nicotine, the compounds which are emitted and the flavorings which are added. The flavorings which are not identified with labels and which are full of toxic chemicals should be avoided to prevent the harm caused. Moreover, the Congress also concluded that the jury is out on whether the electronic cigarettes are beneficial or harmful for public health. There were reports which said that vaping is less hazardous than smoking tobacco cigarettes. It is even said that second-hand exposure to the vapor of e-cigarette is also not as harmful as tobacco cigarettes.

Therefore, if you’re wondering about the ways in which the tobacco companies are acquiring e-cigarette companies, you can take into account the above listed details.