A Glimpse at Unseen Sea Life

There is so much beauty that the ocean has to offer, and many of us don’t get to witness any of it. Most people don’t put a second thought into the wonder and majesty that lives on the ocean floor- the coral, the sea creatures, the fish, and everything else. It all grows and evolves slowly, blossoming into magical underwater ecosystems that support so many life forms.

BioQuest Studios has set out to bring the world of marine life to the masses with amazing stop motion videos showing the true shape, color, and evolution of ocean life. The studio is located in Port Douglas, Australia, right at the front door of the great barrier reef with easy access to thousands if not millions of amazing specimens to record.

The team members have backgrounds in biology, marine science, diving, and microbiology, not to mention extensive technical skills including underwater photography and production experience. From their website: “BioQuest Studios is part of NUMA, a team highly experienced in the coordination and support of underwater productions from beneath polar ice to tropical seas. With a full range of permits for filming within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park we have access to some of the world’s most diverse and spectacular underwater sites.”

This “Slow Life” video took over 150,000 shots to make, with each individual frame taking between 3-12 shots stacked on top of each other. The whole thing took more than 9 months to successfully edit, while each clip took between 6 and 20 hours to film. If you enjoyed the film and want to see more of the majestic barrier reef, consider donating to the Barrier Reef Conservation efforts, put forward by the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

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