Animal hell called Surabaya Zoo (contains drastic images) (10 pictures)

The Surabaya Zoo is a 37 acres (15 ha) botanical zoo located in the city of Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia. It was first established by decree of the Governor General of the Netherlands East Indies on 31st August 1916 during Dutch colonial rule, and is one of the most famous zoos in Southeast Asia and one of the key tourist destinations in Surabaya.

The Surabaya Zoo has received complaints about its treatment of animals from activist groups such as the Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), as well as from the interim administrator of the zoo. The situation reached a point in 2010 where the Jakarta Post called the facility the ‘Surabaya Zoo of Death’. In August, 2010, the Forestry Ministry revoked Surabaya Zoo’s license following several animal deaths. Interim management asked the local police and the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) to conduct an investigation, which found that negligent keepers were to blame for most of the animal deaths. There is currently a petition circulating to close the zoo because of the documented animal abuse. [source]

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