Type: Video

Gold Grows On Trees

Scientists strike gold in leaves. Eucalyptus trees in the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia are drawing up gold particles from the earth via their root system and depositing it their leaves and branches.

Incredible Roundhand Lettering Demonstration by Glen Weisgerber

Self-taught artist Glen Weisgerber is a master pinstriper who has been in business since the early 1970s painting all matter of truck lettering, race cars, logo designs, guitars and bike customizations. This summer Airbrush Action Magazine filmed Weisgerber doing a number of different hand lettering tutorials including single stroke lettering, and chrome lettering.

Watch the video…

Anthony Howe’s Otherworldly Kinetic Sculptures

Anthony Howe’s massive kinetic wind sculptures resemble alien creatures. Step inside Howe’s studio to learn how the awe-inspiring works are created, what makes a good wind sculpture and why Howe believes it’s important for his work to emulate human feeling.

The New Mind Boggling Honda Ad Loaded With Optical Illusions

Honda has taken some illusions and put them to use in their new ad. If after repeated viewings you are still confused as to what you’re actually looking at, they were also nice enough to provide a making of video. Good Guy Honda, making us feel a little less stupid!

How Many Countries Are There?

Are you curious about how many countries are there?

Unfortunately the answer to this seemingly simple question is not so simple. It is quite difficult to pinpoint the number of independent countries on Earth because there are so many factors that are involved in determining “independent” status.

View this video to find out more.