Tagged: world

Terrifying Bioweapons

Sadly, people have a tendency to kill each other off. Bioweapons are the most horrifying way to control or destroy a population. Stored in labs across the globe, they’re lethal, contagious, and in the hands of some very dangerous people.

Incredible Locations

Photos below will take your mind far away from where you are right now. They will maybe even inspire you not to buy ‘all-inclusive’ trip to yet another crowdy and touristic destination…?

Cars From The Great Soviet Union

Throughout the 20th century, especially during the cold war period, the political and economical strength of a country was symbolised by their ability to make cars. Soviet Union also tried their luck in this race.

The Strangest Driving Laws Around The World

All the rules you have to memorize before being issued a drivers license are to better protect the drivers on the road. Besides the fact that people can’t sometimes manage to put right blinkers on, it’s a nice idea.