Tagged: physics

What if the Moon was a Disco Ball?

What if the moon was a disco ball? Initially, it’s not all that exciting, because it wouldn’t work the fun way we’d expect. But by moving the moon closer and allowing it to quickly rotate, all sorts of awesomeness starts to happen.

100 Most Epic Pictures Taken By Hubble Telescope (Part 4)

Hubble’s orbit outside the distortion of Earth’s atmosphere allows it to take extremely high-resolution images with almost no light pollution. Hubble’s Deep Field has recorded some of the most detailed visible-light images ever, allowing a deep view into space and time.

100 Most Epic Pictures Taken By Hubble Telescope (Part1)

Hubble Telescope takes us closer to stars with it’s amazing pictures and recordings. It opens up our minds to what’s unexplored and makes us wonder what’s beyond the infinity. Let’s derive from it us much as we can! That’s why we’re launching a series of articles with the best and most amazing pictures of Hubble ever published.