Tagged: military

CIA admits staging Iran coup in 1953

60 years to the day after Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq was ousted in a coup d’etat, the CIA has finally admitted that it organised the action alongside the British Secret Intelligence Service.The US and UK conspired to have the democratically elected Mossadeq replaced with General Fazlollah Zahedi in order to strengthen the position of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The Shah went on to repress political opposition and used his US-trained secret police service, SAVAK, to brutally crackdown on suspected dissidents.

When soldiers at attention pass out (21 pictures)

Why do soldiers faint after standing at attention for a long time? It’s because standing still for so long cramps up all your muscles and blood does not flow properly and this starves your brain of much needed oxygen so as a defence it shuts down to protect it from damage. It can also be because you are dehydrated or more commonly among soldiers, hungover.

25 most prolific spies and their top secret missions

Although their exploits are often popularized by Hollywood and quite often ride the line between completely unbelievable and just barely possible, spies really do exist. Of course, they are probably not running along the outsides of high rise buildings and paragliding into jungles but they do work as undercover diplomats, engineers, and lay people. They risk their lives in both war and peace, sometimes for a noble cause and sometimes for nothing more than the highest bidder. Enter the shady underworld of espionage as you learn about history’s 25 most prolific spies and their top secret missions.