Tagged: math

Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man of math

What’s so special about Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man? With arms outstretched, the man fills the irreconcilable spaces of a circle and a square — symbolizing the Renaissance-era belief in the mutable nature of humankind. James Earle explains the geometric, religious and philosophical significance of this deceptively simple drawing.

The infinite life of pi

The ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter is always the same: 3.14159… and on and on (literally!) forever. This irrational number, pi, has an infinite number of digits, so we’ll never figure out its exact value no matter how close we seem to get. Reynaldo Lopes explains pi’s vast applications to the study of music, financial models, and even the density of the universe.

Is Math a feature of the Universe or a feature of Human Creation?

Math is invisible. Unlike physics, chemistry, and biology we can’t see it, smell it, or even directly observe it in the universe. And so that has made a lot of really smart people ask, does it actually even EXIST?!?! Similar to the tree falling in the forest, there are people who believe that if no person existed to count, math wouldn’t be around . .at ALL!!!! But is this true?

How to lose weight: The real Math behind weight loss

Want to lose weight, but aren’t sure how the math works behind burning calories and fat? Here’s how to lose weight based on the mathematics of burning calories, burning fat, and weight loss. Dr. Carson Chow explains what happens behind the scenes when you exercise and go on a diet to limit food and calorie consumption. The old rule of burning 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound doesn’t actually work in the long-run. Dr. Carson Chow explains a new rule for burning fat and calories and losing weight.