Tagged: history

Evolution Of Equality

History was always brutal for anyone who was different. It didn’t matter if you were a leftie, homosexual or a women. The only proper way of living was to be a strong white man. Anyone else had a pretty though time.

Rare And Amazing Historical Photos

Photography style from 20th century was absolutely different from our modern standarts. Taking photos was mainly associated only with important events like weddings or birthdays. I bet you saw pictures of your great grandparents...

Cars From The Great Soviet Union

Throughout the 20th century, especially during the cold war period, the political and economical strength of a country was symbolised by their ability to make cars. Soviet Union also tried their luck in this race.

Happy Birthday, Leonardo!

On April 15th, 1452 Leonardo da Vinci was born. True renaissance man, he is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived.